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DSX (Offline)
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04-17-2009, 10:00 PM

What do I think of my education system? Well, I believe it needs SERIOUS overhauling. Teachers always complain about the students being unruly, yelling at us daily and giving out referrals and detentions left and right. And plus, the work is just a test of following directions, rarely helping to further "teach" us about the subject.

Schooling in Milwaukee

English class: These classes only help us with writing essays. I have yet to see/hear of/have a class that teaches us how to write full-blown books and such, not just a couple pages of writing. I started writing at least over two and a half years ago, and I've learned more writing technique on my own than I did in class. Doesn't that sound screwed up to you?

Math class: It just teaches us how to add, divide, subtract, and multiply. I don't really care about math so I don't look too deep into the matter. But isn't math more than just those four factors?

Geography class: So far I've only learned about the negatives and economies of countries, nothing deep on their ways of life. If it does go in on their way of life, than it covers how they lived about five hundred years ago. Never how they are currently. That's REALLY bad for my writer's research, because I plan on writing stories that take place in several different countries, at least one per continent.

Gym class: Meh. Don't care about it because I'm not a physical person.

Swimming class: I hate it. Nearly drowned twice, and the teacher I had was supposedly "the best in Wisconsin". Pfft. At least after the second near-death incident I got an A for the course.

History: Rarely anything new to learn about. We only cover the first two World Wars, Civil War, Martin Luther King...Is that ALL that happened involving America?

Art: Haven't had it since 8th, but if art in high school is exactly like it was back then, then I don't want any part of it. For me it was drawing pictures the way the teacher wants it or else you get a bad grade, regardless of how bad an artist you are. No help, no exceptions. I wonder how I passed that class, but I'm glad I did. Oh, and I still suck at drawing. What a big help all those years of art class in elementary through middle school were.

Foreign languages: All my school has is Spanish, but I've learned some German from my Composition (?) teacher because she plans on moving to Germany. Good for me, I might use it, but only Spanish? I understand that because my school is Hispanic dominated, but come on! The closest they have to anything outside of Spanish was that German I was lucky to get and "Spanish for Spanish Speakers". Spanish for Spanish Speakers?

To sum it all up, the "educational" system where I live merely teaches us how to be robots, punishing us if we don't come up to expectation. I thought school was supposed to be about preparing us for what's to come in life, but apparently here it's about teaching us obedience.

I will give the education system some credit, though. I've learned a few things I probably wouldn't regularly know (right now anyways), like that little bit of Spanish and German I've been taught, and a few tricks to use on my computer when I'm typing on Word, but none that I'll really be using, and some I can't use even if I wanted to, because I was that stuff was taught to me on Microsoft Office 2003. Horribly outdated for technology, is it not?

And that's the educational system I've observed.

Last edited by DSX : 04-17-2009 at 10:23 PM. Reason: Missed some things.
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