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Kayci (Offline)
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04-18-2009, 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I've said it before, happiness is not a place. It's not something that exists outside yourself. If you look outside yourself for it, you'll never find it.

About 30,000 people in Japan commit suicide every year. Obviously there are many people in Japan who are not happy.
Well, I knew of the 9 person average daily thing.
But I kind of disagree. Some people just won't find happiness in current, past, or future dwellings. It's not a place, but there CAN be a place where you FIND happiness.

And hey, I remember reading a stastic that every 15 minutes, SOMEONE commits suicide. Doesn't mean it's their country, but how THEY as an individual felt in their surroundings and/or situation.

And hey, if I want to move, doesn't mean anything. I just want to look elsewhere.

Coffee prevents me from killing you.