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(#19 (permalink))
Califer (Offline)
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Location: The Netherlands
04-18-2009, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Iga Ueno has the ninja Museum. The closest place of interest to you may be Kyoto (I only know how to get there through Kyoto, 2+ hours to get there). I've never been myself, but from what I heard, it isn't all that interesting. You are better off saving yourself that day. You may want to consider the Edomura in Nikko instead (EDO WONDERLAND NIKKO)

Ueno (The other place) is a small district in Tokyo Taito ward. 2 stations away (IF i remember correctly) from Akihabara. Nice little area with some interesting store and restaurant. There is a an american street (someone can give you the name, I don't remember what it is, something Amerikana or to that extent).. SOME influence from North American culture, not as much as what some like to think, but some....
I have 12 days to fill with Kyoto and Osaka and I want Nikko somewhere in between. I really set my hopes up for Edo wonderland~ So I thought staying in Nikko for 2 days would be OK (or isn't this worth it? xD)
This leaves me 10 days for Osaka and Kyoto, 5 days each. I REALLY want to visit Hiroshima, I thought a long day from Kyoto or Osaka should make that possible?

I don't want to go too much outside the Kansei region, because I'm afraid it will take a lot of time. Mt. Aso came to my attention, but I'm afraid that visiting Mt. Aso will cost me days of Kyoto/Osaka (noooo!). From Kyoto/Osaka it's possible to visit Nara for one day right? :0

Whaha, all these questions. I just want this trip to be perfect, don't want to feel I left anything out when I'll leave for Holland again :"D
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