Guuuuuuuys... Why are you sooo meeaaaan... LETS ALL BE FRIENDS, YAY!!!!
Okay, so first, I'm not an Otaku (I don't really like Anime) I don't read that much manga.... Sorry, it's just I don't like that term.
And it made me sad, AlanX, when you said I really wasn't going to japan.... cause I am... And your wrong... cause I'm going to Japan.... and I take Japanese class in school.... I'm in Japanese 1.... My teacher's name is Mr. Kobayashi.... He teaches us Japanese... And I'm going to Japan... yeahhhhh...
Yeah, and I have ADD.
EDIT: Oh, yah. Thanks for the help, Troo! And we're not buying our own food, which is AWESOME!
Originally Posted by Troo
If you want artbooks, I suggest you go to a Mandarake and pick up a few second-hand. The Mandarake in Nakano Broadway is brilliant for this. I got a copy of Korean Illustration in very good condition for about 1,000 yen last time I was there, and I'll pop back next month to see if they have Oxide.
So Mandarake is a chain of bookstores, I presume? Thanks, I'll have to write that down.
Brand new, they're quite expensive - usually around 3,000 yen for a single-artist or single-game collection (i.e. all concept art from the same game). My favourite place to get these is Yodobashi Akiba. They specialise in game art books, but have some others too, and Yodobashi Akiba is a great shop for toys, gashapon, collectibles, and so on. Certainly you'll find more specialised shops in the area too, so don't be afraid to explore if you have time.
3,000 yen is about $30, right? And Yodobashi Akiba is another chain?