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Sangetsu (Offline)
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04-19-2009, 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
Many dispatch companies, and I do speak from experience here, do think they can get away with a number of things no company I ever worked for in America thought they could get away with. However, I am an American citizen, and I do know of awful practices in Texas that several companies use against foreign workers. That does indeed reflect badly on Texas, and as a Texan I am ashamed it does so. So, I would indeed say the misbehavior by American companies reflect badly on America as a whole.
Do you mean foreign workers or illegal aliens from Mexico? As far as I know, all American citizens are protected from discrimination from employers, and lawyers fall all over themselves to sign up lawsuits for employer discrimination. Illegal aliens on the other hand have little voice or choice when it comes to working conditions, but that's the risk they run.

I've read about Interac article last week, it was posted a few places before Debito finally got ahold of it. It's a shame that such a thing was able to happen, but as Nyorin said, it sounds like a lot of this was due to miscommunication on one side, and misunderstanding on the other. That doesn't excuse Interac's actions, and I'm sure they are regretting all that occurred.

No doubt the powers-that-be at Interac have properly reamed the parties mentioned in the story, as the story has made it's way through the teaching community, boards of education, the various unions, and elsewhere. I hope the teacher involved has contacted a lawyer, no doubt Debito knows a few good ones.
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