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Kayci (Offline)
The odd Gaijin :3
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04-20-2009, 02:42 PM

I don't think america is "DUMBING" down...

I started learning algebra in 5th grade...basics...

and now I hear my elementary school has lowered the grade from when students learn it to 3rd or 4th.
(And I stil suck at math.)

I think in America, it's more of the state and city district rather than the country as a whole.

Californian standards are different from Tennessee, and so on.

Hell, I went to Clovis schools until the middle of Freshmen year in high school, then transfered to a Fresno school, and things were SEVERELY different. Requirements, how the classes worked, everything.

My school is considered by many Clovis schools as "Ghetto", because Fresno schools DO have a bad rap.
But we're small. And we're GOOD.
If our test scores raise once more for the 4th time...we would be considered a national distinguished school, which many are, but its still a good thing.

Yeah, we have gang problems. Yeah, our counselors screw us over sometimes. But we know our shizzle. And at least half of the teachers do too. (Which was more than I could say for the Clovis District High School I attended then. LOL)

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