Thread: Post a poem!!!
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VampireGirl1314 (Offline)
~I cant leave you~
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my song: my sleeping angel - 04-21-2009, 05:23 AM

there is an angel in my life
he is taking care of me
just as you told me

but right now he is
y sleeping angel

sleeping so peacefully
his head on my knees
sleeping with me

he is here to protect me
he is
my sleeping angel

he is now with me
no longer worried
he doesn't have to find me anymore

my sleeping angel

he is done searching for me
because im right here
he is with me
and i'll never leave him
he is my one and only angel

my sleeping angel

the most beautiful creature
in this world

the most peaceful angel
the one that wont leave me
and i know that he
is the most beautiful site
for the human eyes

my sleeping angel

he is even in my dreams
he is the one i need
because he will stay with me
and never leave me

my sleeping angel

sleeping so peacefully
his head on my knees
sleeping with me
under a tree

my sleeping angel

there is an angel in my life
he is taking care of me
just as you told me
but right now he is

my sleeping angel

he will save me
when i wake up
from this nightmare im having
right now.............

By:Brittany N.Sliger

I could never be happier.
I found my missing piece and i know he wont leave me.
song by simple plan.
+{Member of the Crusnik Clan--Crusnik 04}+
+{Codename: Abel}+
I'm sorry for acting like this...
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