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04-21-2009, 06:48 AM

Presented in those words, in that sort of context, would indeed be an escape tactic - at least in my opinion.
If there is something you have misunderstood, or that the other party has misunderstood due to cultural differences - there is nothing stopping you from pointing it out. And if the other party is unwilling to see the root of the problem it is likely that it`s not a "cultural" difference.

Liking a culture, and living entirely within it`s rules are quite different. You can really love a culture and think it is great, but be completely unable to function in it. (Seen WAY too often with Japanophiles coming to Japan...) Obviously some of that is going to fall to personality, but a lot also falls to surroundings and experiences. Those sort of things set your attitude and can end up turning things quite sour. Not to even mention a difference in expectations.

I would say that one of the largest factors in an international relationship would be the willingness of each side to compromise to some extent when outside their cultural comfort zone. That willingness to compromise is going to be based on personality, but it isn`t going to erase cultural differences. Just make it a lot easier to smooth things over.

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