Thread: Ungrateful
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Sachiko (Offline)
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04-21-2009, 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by Rogozhin View Post
I won't shut her out but I would expect an apology...eventually. (Understandably I'm not really in the mood to go to Japanese conversation class this week and befriend a few more hopefuls..)
I'm sure that she'll come to her senses and apologise.
She's obviously not a very worldly person anyway. Travel is meant to be about experiencing new things both good and bad. If she really though about things before travelling, as rison said she would have realised that every country in the world has its upsides and downsides.

She was being naive and ultimately she's come off looking like a fool.
Nevertheless, just because one person turned out to be extremely ungrateful doesnt mean that they all will. I know many people who are entirely grateful for any help they recieve.

You are obviously a very kind person, but there's a difference between helping someone, and going all out for them. Dont be a martyr for the sake of others coz in the long run it honestly doesnt do you any good.


sure has been a while...
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