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AnimeBaby112 (Offline)
Posts: 222
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: U. S. of A.
Lightbulb What Do You Think of This Study Plan? (Not Really a Request for Help) - 04-21-2009, 06:53 PM

So, I am trying to learn Japanese (obviously) and I don't have money for any learning materials or fancy classes (which they don't offer here anyways), so, I made a plan for me and my friends to follow which hopefully eliminates romaji.
The first part is to learn both Hiragana and Katakana fully (I know people say you should lean kanji too, but I have enough stress with those alone) Then when we ave those memorized completely, start to learn how to speak it (I have 2 text books with written kana words and sentences) and start learning kanji a little later with Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary. What do you think?
Also, do you think that writing each kana out everyday and using flashcards is enough to memorize them?
(sorry if this is in the wrong place or there is already a thread like this!)
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