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04-21-2009, 11:20 PM

by Drippin Crimson

This is the land where black roses bleed, when ever someone is in need.

The vampires drink blood licking the blood from the rose, your probably thinking what happened to the beauty of the delicate rose.

Well it became frozen as shattered petals hit the ground, the darkness covered every seed without a sound.

Then black roses grew, why no one knew.

Fallen angels sit on the distasteful grass, where to each other sleeping powder they calmly pass.

Then they eat it to fall asleep, so no tears they will weep.

For here crying is considered weak, you have to be strong and unique.

Cause if your not strong you won't survive, no if your not strong you wont get out alive.

So run run as far and as fast as you can my fallen friend, or you will surely meet your end.

This is half of the land here, the other half does continuously shed more than one tear.

For here is where the angels come to cry, filled with self denial asking their self continuously the question why?

Asking questions like where am I ? how did I get here?, well the answer is simple my fallen angel my dear.

Some how you happened to fall, stuck on your knees not able to stand tall.

This land isn't as sick looking as the other half you see, cause its deceiving you which is even more deadly.

It looks so innocent don't you think I mean look at the beauty of this place, let me guess you can't believe this is for those who have fallen from grace.

But don't worry when finally you lay your head down to sleep it'll be ok, cause you'll wake up to see your fading away.

Don't be afraid from here you can't escape no you can't go, don't worry they will kill you slow.

Killing you softly as you sleep, drinking the tears of blood that you weep.

Tear away at your soul soon where it was will be just ice, then next will be your heart out they slice.

Just how may things they will tear out until you die, how many tear of blood will you cry?

But like Adam and eve you just had to have a taste of that apple of despair, soon your blood will be everywhere.

No one will awaken you so its ok, soon their will be nothing left and you'll fade away.

For you fell asleep now you can't ever awaken from this land of despair, well who's killing you slow in this hell dream my beloved angel who's name is nightmare.

"Life sucks, then you die. yeah i should be so lucky" >_>
KurtFu22: neesan

Akatsuki clan member: Uchiha Madara
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