04-22-2009, 04:56 PM
That's right. And I can't see anything wrong with it. Do you? I'm just realy interestet what people think about Switzerland and what they think how Swiss people look like.
I'd like to find as many answers as posible, becuase i'd like to see Switzerland with eyes from others. Maybe I'd like to take pictures about all the cliches or make drawings to understand how it works.
Is there any rule aganst it? Have I done something wrong? If so, I'm sorry and I'll stopp it.
I think, everybody should see his country with different eyes to understand things. I mean, if I say I think Japan to me it means a lot of very stylish people, great artwork and great food, maybe then you start to eat next time slower to try to find out what I meant, or look more around to see al the beauty of your country? Maybe you can change you view for just one day to be a foraigner and you'll see so many things!
And that's what I'm trying to do at the moment, to look at my country whit Japanese eyes. And for that, I ask questions. OK?