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Hyakushi (Offline)
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04-22-2009, 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
That already happens. One of my best friends in college was killed when one of his student just walked in and shot him during his first year teaching - in 1975 in Austin, TX.

It still going to happen. Unfortunately this bill would mean the schools would probably have to remove the metal detectors used to reduce the weapons brought on campus, making it so much easier.

As for the death penalty, it gets adjusted downward when a 16 year old commits a deliberate, premeditated crime like that, so their age is no defense. If they don't have a documented history of mental problems most DAs can prove them competant to stand trial as an adult.
Where I went to school not only were the teachers scared of the students they dont care what happens to anyone as long as they are safe. They had metal detectors and still we found a way to get guns into the school (I'm not going to say how) either way the outcome is the same. Age wise does not matter a 40 year old could and almost always acts like they are still going through puburty <_<. Personaly I would prefer women owning and carrying guns with them then men.

I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
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