There isnt a simple answer to this.
AS has been said, the moment you set a min post count you get a wole load of idiots posting 'yahoo me too' on every thread they get to jsut to beat the min limit.... so the point would be lost.
Try finding some more mods from ppl you trust and spread the load.
get deleting and maybe make it clearer who are mods.
also a good idea is a link to the rules and faq in the sig of mods
It just occured to me on another board today, this same subject, and a mod was basically telling the guy to rtfr but I had alook and realized, on that forum, it was reasonably hard to find them.
Not so much it was impossible, and I know its no excuse, but you have to realize this is open to the public... you are going to get lazy ppl.
Ceteris paribus, the more ways for them to get quickly to the rules, the more likely, statistically [

] they will.
One other thought occurs to me. Even if you never read the rules or faq, wouldnt a very small amount of common sense tell you most of the basic ideas anyway? Oh, wait a minute, I'm having unrealistic expectations again, hehe!