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04-23-2009, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight View Post
I mean in essence it's the same question from that other thread.
Yes, yes it very much is. I must have missed that topic before I opened this one, since I know people on here hate useless threads opened repeatedly.

Sorry about that outburst, I didn't actually see that one when I was looking through some of the older threads. But then again (and at 37 pages long I dont have the time to check) did it also ask this question:
Quote: do you celebrate your heritage and history?
This is something that I'm ineterested in, if only becuase I'm in a funny mood right now.

And yes, all those stuff about nationalism, like anthems, flags, patriotism, I think it sucks, give me a break, we all know what happens when someone take those things until the last consequences, right?
Well, no actually I'm not sure what your getting at. Would you care to explain a little more please?

@TenmaAi: are we related somehow? Or are you secretly spying into my brain, becuase you've hit the nail on the head as it were.