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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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04-23-2009, 12:42 PM

I believe that beginning in 2009 there will be 5 levels instead of 4. I don't imagine that there will be much change to the lower levels (3 and 4), more than likely, a new level was added between 1 and 2.

You will probably need more than three months study to pass level 5 (or 4, under the current standard). But the test will not be held until December, so if you begin studying now, you should be able to learn enough to pass.

You'll need to know both kanas, the 100 or so kanji (though you won't see that many on the test), basic grammar, vocabulary, and listening.

Keep in mind that the kanji part of the exam doesn't focus exclusively on the definition of a particular character, you will be asked to write out a few kanji in hiragana, which can be difficult as some kanji have extended vowel sounds which might not be noticed when they are spoken: "ちょ" versus "ちょう", and so on. Make sure to memorize the hiragana spellings.
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