Who has been a long time smoker knows what this is about. I paied 16 US dollars a pack of smoke one day I didn't have. I have never smoked around kids, so my wife and I decided to avoid smoking in the house, so I ended up smoking outside with a temperature below 0 (farenheit). I went to a field trip with some friends when I was teenager and we finished sigarettes in the morning. In the middle of country there was no where to find more smokes...we started smoking straws (literally picking up straws from the field and smoked them).
I had my step daughter telling me and my wife stop smoking, it's gonna kill you and we wouls shut them up. Having someone telling you how harmful it is smoking won't do any good, either you will start lying to yourslef or you will start admitting it is gonna kill you and you won't care.
I had been smoke free before for whole 2 years, it was enough a little bit of stress due to work and family situations and I started smoking again. Now I have been smoke free for 1 year (right this month I celebrated the year) and sometimes I still wish I had a sigarette between my fingers, not that often, maybe once a month...but still...Seeing my mother dying for lung cancer was an awakening situation (even tho I had lost others due to this before) and I decided no matter what I am not starting again. BUT you need help constantly. The presence of a child, wife or someone dear that reminds you not start again and why!
So yes, to stop smoking you need to want it, it cannot be imposed to you, but that is not enough. You will need help. Someone around you to give you support all the time and that you can lean on in the moment of weakness. Someone who is ready to stay near you even when you are mean and rude, because you might turn into it when you really want a smoke. The first time I quit with my wife we did it cold turkey together. We managed to do it, but we noticed in the first times without smokes we would fight for anything, we never fight, but in that period we would fight above any single crap there was to fight about. We both ended up yelling things that soon later we both regretted...but we couldn't just help it. You see the persons helping you as enemies trying to harm you, even tho you know 100% they are trying to help you. Same old crap...you still lies to yourself.
The second time went much more smoother (I know I cheated by using the medicine I mentioned before), but quitting that way was an easy walk. In fact I was smoking all the way through the therapy with the medicine. Day after day the sigarettes would lose flavour always more and would give me always less satisfaction. Once I would have stopped watching a soccer match many times to go out smoke, while on therapy I notice I could delay a sigarette even of several hours...till the day I just stopped without almost noticing it.
THIS IS NOT A COMMERCIAL. Nothing comes into my pockets and I really don't care if you quit one way or the other, but I will be glad for you if you do quit. I have just told you the story of an old time smoker. I started smoking when I was 14 years old. Now I am 37. I am not sure if quitting will ever fix the damages that I have already done to my body, but for sure I don't want to add evil to the evil already there