Thread: Marry ^^
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ozkai (Offline)
X Kyoto
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04-24-2009, 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by ChisaChi View Post
How difficult would it be for a foreigner with a spousal visa to find the kind of work that doesn't require a degree or Japanese skills?
Hi Chisa:

I can't really answer that now as it's been close to five years now since I resided for a total of six years.

In my time, it was very simple and I was amazed after applying for my first job, being successful in landing a full time English teaching position at 285,000 YEN a month.

The scariest part was, I had no idea how to teach!

My first class on the first day was eight kids!

they were swinging on the light fittings, climbing all over me, pulling the hairs out my home, hitting my private part, sticking pencils up my backside, it was literally out of control!

I soon leanrt the words in favour of the mother's when they came to pick their kids up.

Of course, I soon found out that I was not unique as far as English teachers in Japan went, and also found out that other's could handle it, or fail and ultimately leave Japan.

My wife was Japanese, I was on a very easy to obatin spouse visa, I guess we were set to lead a normal life somewhat being married and the likes, so I had to have a serious talk to myself and say "Elliot, you have to learn fast"

As time rolled on, I came up with new ways of teaching, learning from other's, teacher "trainer" friends from Nova, etc., and it got to a stage where I was good, infact, fantastic at teaching kids, and I had achived my goal.

After this stage, having such a large number of foreigners in Japan teaching and doing a bloody shocking job without results, it became easy for me to obtain employment in the industry, the door was always open, and the salary/money side of things became my call as the bosses new the choices.

So getting back to your original question, I originally had no skills whatsoever in teaching, the jobs were very easy to get without the skill, and I also found that having a spouse visa was a healthy help as the schools knew that your visa wouldn't be a problem being married to a Japanese national.

My wife was a mental health nurse at a hospital.

Our combined income felt rich, and we did lead a lavish life, travelling abroad twice a year with no expense spared, and I spel my life shooping at all the good stores for food and wants in Kyoto city.

Now, I have no idea what it is like in Japan job wise. Different areas of Japan would also be important with hte job factor as some areas are difficult to attract foreigners, so the employment may be better, whilst in the larger city's of Tokyo and Osaka, it may be more difficult due to the excess of foreigners all wanting the same jobs..

Just my two cents..
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