Originally Posted by Undertherose25
I haven't been picked on yet.
I'm so worried about offending Asian people that I keep my Myspace private [it's covered in Japanese band pictures and music] and I keep my music low [I only listen to J-Rock/J-Pop]. I'll read manga in public but I won't talk about it or bands. It doesn't help that before I got obsessed with this stuff and Japan I have a huge thing for Asian guys, I figure its hopeless, but I'm so concerned about offending them by letting it slip that I'm obsessed with Japan that I can't even approach them to try and make friends.
I'm a lost cause
I don't think it'll be offensive to them, depending on the way you present it. If you're all like drooling on them and being a total weirdo just because they're Asian, it won't work. But if you just act like yourself, I'm sure it won't be a big deal.