Originally Posted by ozkai
NO! I think the people in the bath will envy you if you expose full view, besides, it's proven to be much cleaner, can stop diseases, and surveys done prove that girls enjoy a circumcisioned penis a lot more, as do men.
If that survey actually exists (I have my doubts) it would only really be true in America as the only reason why women would find an uncircumcised penis unattractive would be due to unfamiliarity.
The norm elsewhere is uncircumcised. Also you can't tell whether one is circumcised or not when fully erect as the foreskin pulls back anyway so I really don't think women can tell the difference.
In fact a European girl told me once that she slept with an uncircumcised guy and at first she thought that he had a small penis because when she saw it, it looked like it did when erect but wasn't.
Also I doubt uncircumcised men enjoy it more... if I remember correctly circumcised men are less sensitive at the head of the penis as it hardens due to lack of protection. In the same way the skin at the bottom of the foot becomes tough due to it constantly being used to walk etc.
Also most circumcised men are done for religious/cultural reasons while still a baby. I don't think they are really in a position to compare.
As for the cleanliness thing... it's very easy to clean an uncircumcised penis. It's hardly rocket science. Pull foreskin back-wash-push it forward again. Unless people aren't showering for days on end then that's the only time it can make a difference. But then again it would probably be unpleasant to have sex with them anyway.