Thread: Some writing.
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CrazyLee (Offline)
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Some writing. - 04-24-2009, 03:26 PM

Okay, well since I'm all out of ideas, and I dont see why those few of us who write cannot self promote ourselves (yes I am aiming that comment quote blatantly at you people who draw!) then I thought I'd open up a topic linking some of my work. Mainly because I have an ego problem, but alos because I'd actually like to get some feedback from people and the only way thats going to happen is by pointing it out. So here goes.

Please note, majority of this stuff may still be in various stages of work in progress.
The Bringer of Death - short stories about a guy called Masataka Shinn.
Chaos in Action - short stories about a guy called Gazini. Linked in some way to TBoD
Something Random - a little something I threw together one day.
Birth of the Damned - a short story, and possible start of a collection of short stories based off 'Something Random'.
Captain J. Winters - I'm doing some World War 2 stuff for something in the future. This is one aspect of it.

So please comment, etc, etc. Never know, maybe I'll get better as a writer now.

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