Originally Posted by darksyndrem
Well, that's a good point, but I'm slightly confused on how this helps? *headscratch*
And thanks for the everyday thing I never knew that.
The basic moral you should take away from my rather long diatribe is that immersion is the best way to learn a language, so you should maximise the possibility of Japanese language use.
If your area has a Japanese association, that might be a good place to start. Go to Japanese events, find Japanese restaurants actually run by Japanese families, go to Japanese supermarkets. Force yourself to engage in conversations where Japanese is a necessity. Reading functions the same way. To learn first grade kanji, I spent time with the art club at my junior high school and while the students drew or painted, I created kanji squares, and then posted them all over my bedroom walls. They were the first things I saw when I woke up, and the last things I saw when I went to sleep. I learned them pretty quickly.