Originally Posted by Hellkite
i know it is early, i myself never wanted to marry so son first, but then i also looked at my parents, and that i was born too late, when my parents were around 35 or such, i was born, thats too late in my opinion, and they married with 32 or so. i dont want to do so again, and for her parents, they were with her this one month, and also saw me, and this year her mother comes with her again.
This doesn't justify your marrying early. If she got pregnant while you guys dated, that would have been a different case.
Basically, it will not be easy for you especially as a foreigner and at your age, school should be on your mind and hers. Since you are bent on it, then cogitate on those questions MMM asked your at the beginning of this thread, those were very valid questions.....If you side line them then you're either relying on something like your parents being rich to get you through or you are simply silly.