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04-25-2009, 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by noodle
The hands could be better, I agree... But it doesn't mean that the whole thing isn't amazing!!! I wish I had this kind of talent... The sweets are fine, though the tray and glass are a bit shaky!
lol yes I the reason why it looks so is I drawed it at night IN my BED x3
Originally Posted by Excessum
Holy Crap! They are so nice. I like the drawing of the guy with scar on his chest. Outstanding work! ^_^
A pinch of criticism, if I may... you need to work on the way you draw hands
haaiii T.T I know I'll die sometimes on drawing hands x3 it's so hard for me ~.~ but thank you x3
ギャー(*0*((◎—————ー(°°; ) スッポヌケ〜
✿ あなた だけ が みれば いい... 狂気と真実は紙一重 ✿
そして坊やは眠りについて 息衝く灰の中の炎ひとつ、ふたつと 浮かぶふくらみ愛しい横顔 大地に垂るる幾千の夢、夢 銀の瞳のゆら(◕‿‿◕ )
It's a thin line between genius and stupidity. Once you cross it there is no going back!! Luckily I have tippex and a pen so I can just redraw it where I like!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA =_=