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(#540 (permalink))
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CyberPunkKitty (Offline)
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04-26-2009, 05:57 AM

I think its the fact that American just has to many different cultures that it'd be offensive to just have a main one. And when you really tink about it, the natives that were here first still sorta retain their culture, its the guys from Britian and spain and whatnot that decided they didn't like the scenary and messed it all up *nods* But meh, back on topic (lol) i think kimono are beautiful and elegant. And I totaly disagree with people who aren't asian shouldn't wear them. its a type of dress, its like telling caucasians that they can't wear baggin clothes because it more prominemt among african americans (which i am) or that african americans can't listen to japanese music or asians can't wear punk outfits an such.

~Come on, live a little, breath a little, feel a little more..~
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