Thread: Marry ^^
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(#69 (permalink))
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dirtyroboto (Offline)
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04-26-2009, 06:47 PM


This is the most provocative original post I have seen without deletion...

Read the OP and it states that he has booked a church!!! Hmmmm!

So the young Japanese girl and her bhuddist family are happy to let her marry a gaijin in a church (does not state where) I assume Japan as he states July, and all will live happy ever after in Japan. With the parents giving consent to an unemployed and uneducated (by JP standards) gaijin.

This OP is delusional and is posting a dream. If it is fact then they should be taking notes with respect to publishing a book at a later date.

All arguments after the OP are based on some arseholes fantasy and are thus argumants based on a fictional event. Get real and don't post on MMM's reply without looking at the OP in detail.

Last edited by dirtyroboto : 04-26-2009 at 06:51 PM.
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