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Lucas89 (Offline)
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04-26-2009, 08:49 PM

I don't think it matters whether you learn lots of vocab before grammar or not, since the same argument can be applied to both ways of learning.

They say "How are you going to use the grammar structures, unless you know a lot of words to go with the grammar?".

Well I say, "How will you use the correct words in correct context, without correct grammar and sentences (Sentences which you need grammar to understand)".

Learning both at the same time is what most people seem to do, and it works, also like jesselt says unless you have a very loose definition of "learn" then it's not really possible to learn so many words in such a short time.

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
Also, the authors cannot even use proper English (you learned words, not learnt) so I wouldn't trust them to teach you Japanese.
Although this thread is about the article linked in the first post, I just want to point out that both learnt and learned are valid, and both proper English.
Learnt happens to be more common in British English, there are a number of verbs that follow this same rule.
I know I say "learnt" all of the time.

Last edited by Lucas89 : 04-26-2009 at 08:53 PM.
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