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(#455 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
04-27-2009, 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
I'm moving to Japan in late 2010 on a spousal visa, I can apply for any job I wish, no offense taken, bro!
Congratulations. Your spousal visa puts you in the same situation as the hundreds of thousands of able bodied Japanese citizens looking for work in one of their worst economic climates.

Your ability to beat the system only means that the Japanese govt has missed their opportunity to weed out an individual who may end up leeching their system.

Have you thought about the type of skills you can present which will put you head and shoulders above the competition? Your knowledge of English is probably the obvious skill but you'll be competing against university graduates.

Originally Posted by alanX View Post
Marrying a girl who I really love, getting a job, having some kids, and settling down in Japan will make me truly happy.
That's a pretty bold statement for someone who's never even visited Japan.

BTW, I'm not trying to pick on you. I'm just treating you like the dozens of other starry eyed members who stroll onto this site to tell us that they've decided to move to Japan.
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