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(#15 (permalink))
Troo (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 240
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: UK
04-27-2009, 10:33 AM

Digital. I loathe fiddling with film, carrying multiple cameras with multiple film types for changeable English weather, paying over a fiver per reel for development only to find half your shots are worthless, and the extremely slow learning curve where you have to wait until your film is developed before you can see whether you've improved and how your technique fails.

Certainly even, say, the Canon 1Ds MKIII can't match the resolution of a large format camera, but you can already get digital backs for medium and large format cameras, which saves messing with plates. I don't see it being more than ten years before pro digital kit is widespread.

There will always be people who prefer film, but I do believe that digital will trump it in the end for all but the most specialised applications (polaroid transfer, for example). In a way that's a shame, because learning the slow, cumbersome way teaches a photographer to get it right in-camera and rely very little on post-processing.

A Troo with a View - Travel blog, Troo style.
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