anime & cartoon & manga -
04-27-2009, 10:56 AM
What is anime of --
All kinds is the word used to describe Japanese animation (Animation), which has become known throughout the world. Can be called all kinds of Japanese animated cartoons, but fans of Japanese animation fans have been accustomed to call the "UNMEE" .. The majority of animation Madbalijp to be presented to the Japanese Space THONES can be called a "انمي" it .. Such as Treasure Island and Sally, Adnan and Lina, and, more recently, the sniper, Kandam wings and other ..
What is the cartoon (Cartoons)?
Cardboard is the word used in the West such as America to describe the animation .. Which was also popular in the past, is the oldest and most famous .. Mickey Mouse by Walt Disney, and Tom and Jerry, and brown rabbit Bakz, and other ..
What is the difference between the kinds of Japanese and American cartoons?
First, how the fee, for every type of a particular method of painting, such as large eyes in the Japanese charges .. And numerous details to be closer to the real .. Unlike American cartoons, which are often a comic ..
Secondly, most American cartoons for children, while all kinds of Japanese drama contains a variety of ad hoc Fbedh for adults and another for children and so on .. It is not only limited to children, such as the majority of the American cartoon ..
What is the manga Manga? Malvrq and between them and the kinds of?
Manga is a Japanese video stories .. Rather than being animated, the fixed charges and dialogue balloons, printed papers, and published in magazines or other publications ..
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