Hi everyone! I'm studying linguistics at university in Australia and for one of my assignments I have to find a Japanese translation of a sentence, as well as some information about the Japanese language. I was wondering if you guys could help me
The sentence for translating is: 'The boy roasted the fish that he caught.'
(I have no knowledge of the Japanese language, so if you could translate using the Roman alphabet rather than hiragana, katakana or kanji that would be great

I'd really like to know:
a) the meaning of each word in the translation, and the meaning of each part of any words that are compound or have any prefixes or suffixes on them (e.g. the meanings of all the morphemes, if you've studied linguistics)
b) how you express the English simple past ('roasted' and 'caught') in Japanese
c) how you express the relative clause. The phrase 'that he caught' is a relative clause in English, which means that the phrase is dependent on the first part of the sentence ('the boy roasted the fish') and the relative clause marker is 'that'. I'd like to know how Japanese expresses this idea.
d) the order that words occur in an Japanese sentence.
Thank you all so much

Please ask me if anything's not totally clear.
Thanks again in advance,
Andrew Muratore