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(#131 (permalink))
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Undertherose25 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 246
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: USA
04-27-2009, 07:17 PM

I can safely say that my personalities are similar but opposite.

Online I come across as rude, blunt and kind of generally 'meh', most of the time I'm polite on forums and slowly revert to my personality so people get used to it rather than being labeled a 'troll' immediately. Basically I'm all humor online, I don't take anything seriously and it baffles me why people take me so serious [unless its like 'I'm gonna kill myself!' type of thing or if I befriend someone then I get serious of course].

In real life I'm shy at first and I tend to be really polite and laugh nervously. And when I warm up to a person I do get blunt, vulgar and loud but playfully. I have a sarcastic sense of humor and everyone, including myself, is a target. I'm also a very sunny person but not that bubble 'Omg Ashley!' type I just smile and laugh a lot and generally enjoy life.

♥Proud Wife of a U.S. Airman♥

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