I don't like sweet food, which is a shame really since most Asian food tends to be a bit sweet. I liked Yakisoba, but I disliked the noodles and thought it was a bit too sweet so I searched for a modified recipe that would make it sour, bitter or salty instead.
- I found one that called for Udon noodles, your choice of veggies, scallions and chicken [or tofu, it tastes good with nothing as well] and soy sauce. We found that some sort of nut goes well with it, sun flowers especially.
- You cook the Udon noodles by the directions and chop up and saute the chicken until its cooked through in a thin layer of oil then throw in veggies and cook until desired.
- I recommend you use a little more oil or wok oil in the pan and then mix the noodles into the pan with the veggies and mix, add soy sauce until the noodles are light brown [you can add more after wards] and its ready!
I recommend you eat it on top of or mixed into unsalted rice, it kind of takes the sudden salty shock out and its more filling, plus it tastes better with rice honestly.
This is my first attempt at it:
I should've cut the broccoli [yes I LOVE broccoli] into thinner strips, it was still slightly raw when it was all done but ah well it was still good