Thread: Waterboarding
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solemnclockwork (Offline)
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04-28-2009, 10:32 AM

I meant I do not care for spin. I only asked for the cases of lasting psychological harm because of waterboarding. Secondly you have to sign an waiver to play paintball, so no it doesn't answer my question when you almost have to sign waivers anywhere where's there an risk of harm. So I would like to know if there are any/few cases.

I'm going to begin with the last comment (and move up) you made. In what way do you think I haven't read the reports? I have all 4 of them on my computer and will continue to add to that when the rest are released. On that you would find by reading them, the whole "wateboarding doesn't work" argument gets an big punch in the face.

Did you forget we are at war? When do you tell your secrets before an war is over? Secondly I do find it weird that you would say that beheading someone is online is the same as waterboarding. I mean we didn't attack them, they want to kill us regardless of reason. In what way do we become like them trying to protect ourselves? If someone sons/daughters/parents etc. are on the line shame on the person that doesn't value there life enough to do what needs to be done. I don't see the argument we "lose are values" when we even value the lives of those we put to waterboarding. Simply put, we are at war and MUST value us lives over theirs.

Quotes from the May 30 memo.
page 8
"The CIA used the waterboarding extensively in the interrogations in KSM and Zubaydah, but did so after it became clear that the standard interrogation techniques where not working. Interrogators used enhanced techniques in the interrogation of al-Nashiri with notable results as early as the first day. See IG report at 35-36. Twelve days into the interrogation, the CIA subjected al-Nashiri to one session of the waterboarding during witch water was applied two times see id. at 36"

(these things are scans so I have to copy word for word, but in retrospect some paragraph are very long so I will summarize so you can get an chance to read the memos later)

Anyways the next paragraph after that details events where they would get doctors to look over them before the waterboarding to make sure no lasting pain phy/psy would come to them. Even then they would stay and make stop it if something goes wrong. They even go as far to say that no technique would be used if they guy was to suffer serious harm.

page 10

notes how enhanced interrogation on KSM was used to foil an plot called the "second wave" to use east Asian operatives to crash an hijacked airliner into an building in Los Angeles. It also notes that more information was obtained from him that led to the capture of Hambali and the discovery of the Guraba cell- and seven member Jemaah Islamiah cell tasked with the "second wave"

This was all obtain from just one memo. As far as I"m concerned what was reported here denies your claim that water boarding doesn't work. Information was needed hence why he was continued to be waterboarded.

1 Corinthians 10: 31-33
31 Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 32 Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. 33 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.
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