I kind of like Aussie tourists, they aren't very shy and they don't wonder around frantically looking for something that isn't in that area. They'll come right up to you and demand to know where it is.
Of course I live in the South and 'Snow Birds' are our worst enemies. No offense to anyone from the North.
I live in a college town, 3 hours away from Disney...
The best way to get around is the interstate, since all the roads are clogged with hung-over, exhausted or general idiots [the school isn't hard to get in as long as mommy and daddy have some cash to convince them other wise so we get a lot of people that aren't made for college life mingled with the people busting their ass and working six jobs to be there].
I'm told we drive live bats outta hell, but that's the way we drive. And it drives me nuts when I have to get on the freaking interstate going 40 because someone from Michigan is blocking me and then when you get into the fast lane meaning to go 90 or something someone from Philadelphia is going 60 and refuses to move out of the way.
Seriously, when in Rome do as the Romans do.
When I go up there I drive as best as I can to match you guys, why can't you try to match us?