NARUTO! I watched Naruto when it was first coming out all the way up to the entire year of fillers. Naruto's popularity has risen so ridiculously that it hurts my mind.
According to Google Insights... Naruto is searched more than every single anime, movie, game, or book to ever exist. Naruto is searched more than "Obama" it is searched more than curse words, it is queried more than sexual words. Nothing comes remotely close to Naruto's popularity. Not DBZ, not Bleach not Twilight or Harry Potter or Star Wars or Gears of War or Halo Wars or Fallout 3. Google Insights just has Naruto soaring to the top of their graphs and all those other terms way at the bottom in comparison. They don't even come an inch close to Naruto's search popularity.
So honestly, when everyone and their mother, and grandmother, and children, and 4 year old grandchildren are into the English dub of Naruto. I pretty much just stick a fork in it and call it done.
My 40 year old cousin called me up before and says, "Yo dog, I just have been trying to get all the new Narooodo's online... but I'm on this thing called, "Daddyboi Fansubs" and I can't find it. But I started watching it on uh this thing called, "Viz" or "CrunchyRolezes" have you ever seen it, it's a cool anime." "Uh.. did you mean Dattebayo?" "Yeah Daddyboi" " .....riiiiight... yea uh... I'm gonna' gooooo... "