Thread: gaming in japan
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MissMisa (Offline)
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04-28-2009, 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by MysticLight View Post
Maybe something that includes writing, because I am very good at that. Even though it sounds like I'm not that interested in art, I do draw a lot of stuff on my computer to do with games I think of or w/e. But I don't have any qualifications for art. I am also very good on the computer (GCSE).

So, basically, something where I can be creative.Designing creatures/people, writing etc.

I write or draw what I daydream.

Anymore help?
Concept artist or scripwriter sounds good to me. Concept artists means you design creatures/characters, you do all the intial sketches, tweaking, and changing things as you go. Every idea needs to be different and original. To do this though you really need to drop everything else and just do fine art. If your art isn't amazing now, it has to be. Go to life drawing classes, study art.

Are you doing A Levels? You pretty much need to, and if you are going to, I suggest you do Art and Design, English Literature or Language, and then pick 1 or 2 other subjects you are interested in.

Do you have any examples of art work and writing I could see? ~
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