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ChisaChi (Offline)
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Location: Australia
Could someone please check this for me? - 04-29-2009, 12:48 PM

Part of the application for a cultural exchange program I'll be doing in Kanazawa later this year is a self introduction that will be given to the host family I'll be staying with. Could someone please check my grammar? I don't want to appear a total noob to these people, since I should technically be pretty decent by now ^^;

What I want to say:
My name is Teresa Watts. I am 23 years old and live in Australia. I have been studying Japanese for about 3 years and am very interested in Japanese culture. Currently I work as a web designer. I have been to Japan once before on holiday, and am very much looking forward to doing a homestay in Kanazawa.

私はテレサ ワッツです。私は23さいそしてオストラ リアに住んでいます。日本語を3年ぐらい勉強していて 、日本文化が好きです。今、私はウェッブデザインに仕 事します。お休みに日本へ行きいました、そしてホムス テイ金沢で...[really not sure how to say looking forward to...]

You'd think I'd be able to write a simple self introduction by now... I really need to study harder ^^; I know my sentence structure is probably a bit too simplistic, but would anyone mind taking a look at it for me?

And does anyone know how to say 'looking forward to'?

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