Ikaga desu ka!?
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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04-29-2009, 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by chryuop
Influenza has never had real vaccine and it will never have. A few months ago they have finally discovered what causes the influenza virus, how it works and how it mutates. They have found in labs what is respansible. It was accidentally discovered while doing research on other viruses.
So at a precise question: when we are going to have a medicine that will finally cure influenza, the answer was "never". It is not thinkable to waste too much money to look for a medicine that cure a disease that it is already taken care of by reducing the effect the desease itself has on people.
Getting a vaccination in the period before winter for influenza gives the idea to people that they have all antibodies against influenza. Truth is you get protected against a tiny small amount of different kind of flue out of the hundreds existing.
Should be worried? Panic maybe is too excessive, but worrying a little bit wouldn't be wasted time in my opinion.
People just need to take care of themselves to prevent getting and spreading viruses.
Wash hands-Common knowledge but beleive it or not many people do NOT wash there hands, speacially children.
Everyday we come into contact with thousands of viruses.
Excersise-Getting your body into shape, a friend of mine is startin to join me in my daily routin and she use to get sick all the time but now she hasnt gotten sick for 2 years.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.