Originally Posted by Troo
Excellent technique, but the composition is lacklustre. The eye is drawn to two places: The expanse of blue top-left, and the critter, mid-right. The problem then is that the critter is also looking at the expanse top-left, where there is nothing. The composition forces your viewer to look right back out of the picture, rather than drawing them in.
A simple solution is to put some little flying beastie in that expanse - a butterfly, bee, or something similar (and small - you don't want it to dominate the picture). Ensure it is flying toward your critter, as that will bounce the viewer's eyes back to him again, creating a loop.
ahah composition isn't my strongest point.

so thanks a lot for the comments, I thought my picture seemed kinda... dead and empty, so your comments really help. THANKS, i will post an updated version as soon as its done!
you should post some stuff too!