Originally Posted by Ypsilanti
Hmm. The white balance is off in this one. I assume you allowed your camera to auto white balance here?
When shooting white subjects, take a shot with AWB, then set your white balance / colour temperature to the shot you just took. That way your whites don't get greyed or blued out.
The camera has also underexposed the background due to the brightness of the flower. Bracketing could've helped you here again.
Originally Posted by Ypsilanti
All the dead buds in shot make this image look far less vibrant than it should. Some judicious pruning before exposure could've really livened this up. Failing that, this is one where a head-on shot with the stamen dead centre would've been fantastic - a little manipulation of the position of the flower might've been necessary to prevent your shadow touching it.
Remember, the trick with shooting flora is to get your hands in there and force it to look natural. Shooting things as they naturally are invariably leads to distractions and unwanted crud in the shot. Plants are great practice material because you can gently move them around to fit your purpose best.
One of the best flower macro photographers I know lists clothespegs, elastic bands, sticks, and a water mister among his most important equipment