Originally Posted by RKitagawa
whoah so many posts, gonna be hard keeping up with them all. alright, gonna start from InuAisu:
I love the dog! so cute lol
the main problem with this one is your line of action, see how he's leaning to his right?
kinda looks like hes gonna fall over.
heres a quick sketch to show u what i mean.
u should always make sure the character is balanced unless its in the middle of an action, ie. running, jumping, etc...
but since your character is simply standing, he should be balanced.
keep up the good work though! would love to see more from you 
Thanks for that! When I drew him that way I did it to show how the puppy's weight was affecting him. It's hard to stand up with a wiggleh puppy! lol! Also, I wanted to kind of give it a pre-'hereigotthisforyou' look X3 Thanks so much, though! I like that line of motion thing! -will experiment >
