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TalnSG (Offline)
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04-30-2009, 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by pumpum View Post
hey sorry but i think thats impossible, i think if a male can call a girl his *BEST* friend then he must be gay !!

I have lots of friends who are female and some of them are very very close to me but i have been with them all, it just doesnt work - if your that close to a female - nature will take its course.

btw - to all the girls thats say that they have male best friends and there is no *those kinds of feelings involved* i gurantee you that given the chance each one of those males would jump into a relationship with you....if you dont believe me just try it !!
Some men have more control than a hormone laden 12 year old. I am not saying that urges and thoughts have not arisen (on both sides) but I still say to of my very best friends are male and we have not and will not ever cross the boundary between friend and lover.

There have been times when those urges were acted on with others, but with only one exception, the entire connection then quickly disintegrated.

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