Ahem this time I am Kaito. (aka KID1412)
And Ai-chan!
Both from Conan OF COURSE.
Blue for Kaito and red for Ai.
Italic thoughts.
Kaito is a Jacob-kind werewolf.

Y'know... Twillight...
Ai is... *cough* ON WITH THE STORY I'll explain later......
Going hunting again?
Good luck with that... We're lacking deer.
Yup. Bye~~
Kaito and Ai sat in the forest. Ai warmed her hands and Kaito set off hunting.
Don't you miss her?
Kaito stopped and looked at Ai.
Yes. I do... but I can't do anything about it, can I?
He went off into the forest. A warm glow flowed over him and he was a large, rusty wolf.
Aoko... I'll get to you. I will. I swear I will.
And with that, he ran off to find some elk instead.