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04-30-2009, 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by TalnSG
All humans, when threatened are unpredictable and even more so under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which is prevalent in the college environment. Given the high stress levels and relative emotionally immaturity of the average college student as well, adding weapons to the mix is a remarkably stupid addition to the mix. I owned two firearms when I was in college - pistol and a rifle with a fixed bayonette.  I found that people just knowing I had them and could use them effectively meant they never had to come down off the closet shelf except to be cleaned. Just because females have a greater tendency to premeditated crimes instead of crimes of passion, does not mean committing a crime with one is the much more unlikely.
Banning firearms on campus will never remove all of them, but it will deter those who don't have the incentive to work around the rules. And it will continue providing solid grounds for detaining anyone on campus found with one. If its illegal there is no recourse through claims of unreasonable seizure of private property. Still - I would prefer to see it limited to only lifting the ban on being able to transport them across campus - as in locked in my trunk while I am on campus so that I have access to it en route to and from the campus.
Honestly I can see where you are coming from, but what use do you have in having access to firearms on campus. Unless you are in a trap shooting club they shouldnt even be in your car. I am 18 and I have a 12 gauge shot gun that my grandpa gave me. i am personally on the trap team of my high school. now fire arms are illegal on campus, so students are requiered to bring their fire arms dissasembled, and we must purchase ammo from our teacher we can't bring the ammo to school ourselves. So idk making fire arms legal on campus is just stupid all around. There is no purpose for it unless you're in a trap club. I mean its not like I carry it around school, all students must put their dissasembled fire arms in a fire safe at the school that only one person knows the combo too. So I dont believe fire arms should be allowed on campus except for that one example I gave you.
Last edited by Pexster : 04-30-2009 at 06:34 PM.