Hello MissMissa!
Did a paintover-ish thing for your first picture!
so, first things first. your balance.
if you look at the red line going down through your character, it hits the floor between her two feet. which is usually fine. but, in your case, most of the character's weight is on her right leg (since the left leg is bent)
therefore, you should push the right leg back over to the center which is where she would be balanced. (i think i pushed it a little too far back, oops)
the other problem i noticed was your eyeline.
head is tilted to her right, eyes don't quite line up, close... but not quite.
other than that it looks great.
keep up the good work MissMisa.
oh and, for your second picture, it's awesome, the lines on the sides of her nose are a bit strong however, you could probably get rid of them alltogether.
c ya!