Originally Posted by PockyMePink
Bad thing is that I wasn't aiming for chibi style - or any anime style, for that matter. It's a style of my own that I've adapted; it was sorta supposed to follow the guidelines of huge (undetailed) eyes, and a lower placed nose (which is hard to do, considering I'm the kind of person that foams at the mouth for correct placement).
But I will agree that picture is a little off. It was a last minute drawing I did at the end of a test in chemistry class, so I don't really beat myself up for it like I usually would -_-;
Thanks for your comments 
haha, sorry for the misunderstanding. as soon as i see big heads and small bodies i immediately think CHIBI!
since thats the case though, i'd say work on your line quality. try to get smoother curves, fewer and more precise lines.
but still! always keep in mind human anatomy, no matter what the style is, a human should still look like a human.
would love to see more of your stuff!