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(#12 (permalink))
jesselt (Offline)
Posts: 313
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: 夢の泉
04-30-2009, 10:23 PM

Shadow, there's no reason to get defensive. There's also no need to act as if Japanese is just so simple you master it in your sleep. I'm glad you know some random words; good for you! There's still a big difference between that and knowing a lot of random words. After three years you will still have to ask what certain things are, I'm sorry to say. You will not know every word you come across, and unless you plan on sticking to simple conversations about the weather and how school is going, you are going to need help understanding certain advanced topics.

And please don't tell me you really didn't understand what I was saying about 鼻が高い... If you were seeing this for the first time, you might translate it as something like "Tall (or yes, HIGH) nose" which sounds a little weird. As you pointed out, languages are full of these things, and to be fluent in that language you need to understand them all.

Let me know how fluent you are after three years though.
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