04-30-2009, 10:38 PM
I never once claimed, shad0w, that "I have eaten" is equivalent to たべます. You inferred that incorrectly. Yes, the ベッド error was an error.
The point of the たべます, if you had even a limited grasp of reading comprehension, is that the ます is an auxiliary verb in Japanese that demonstrates my point. "I have eaten" in Japanese (もう食べた or 食べたことがある, depending on intended meaning) does not use an auxiliary verb in the sense I discussed. Thus, I used an alternative example. "Haber" ("he" in first person, singular, present tense, indicative mood) is an auxiliary verb in Spanish. "Have" is the equivalent in English.
Now I'm aware I may get banned for this.* But it needs to be said (if for nothing other than my own sanity), and no one else seems to want to do it: You are a grade-A asshole. You consistently give wrong information to people who don't know better. You misrepresent your knowledge of the language severely. You seem to troll the boards looking for people's mistakes just so you can post facepalm pics. I've only seen people get warned by mods in this subforum because of angered responses to drivel you've spouted.
I have twice extended you an olive branch after we got into disagreements, and yet you still behave like a child. I have twice tried to make amends when you've behaved very rudely to someone and I've criticized you. You seem to hate civility. This makes you scum in my book.
And now I wash my hands of you.
*Although if I get banned for this, it will be unjust: I have only ever tried to be constructive on this entire board (except in a few responses to Shad0w). Shad0w, on the other hand, repeatedly attempt to tear people down out of something that seems to be self-doubt or a lack of confidence in his own abilities. This is, of course, pitiable (and childish). Mods, take note of the destructive influence Shad0w has here.
Last edited by KyleGoetz : 04-30-2009 at 10:43 PM.
Reason: needed a caveat for the mods