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Lucas89 (Offline)
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04-30-2009, 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
After three years you will still have to ask what certain things are, I'm sorry to say. You will not know every word you come across, and unless you plan on sticking to simple conversations about the weather and how school is going, you are going to need help understanding certain advanced topics.
With certain advanced topics in English I have to ask what words mean, and I've been living in England for 20 years now.

Although this is all just a standard "you cant be fluent in X time" - "Yes you can" argument, I have to say that if I read both of your posts together it gives me the impression that by your current logic and explanations, I would not be fluent in English if I had to ask what every other word meant in an advanced English conversation.

Of course this is without knowing what you mean by "advanced"

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
And please don't tell me you really didn't understand what I was saying about 鼻が高い... If you were seeing this for the first time, you might translate it as something like "Tall (or yes, HIGH) nose" which sounds a little weird. As you pointed out, languages are full of these things, and to be fluent in that language you need to understand them all.
I feel as though I have to point out here, that when reading your post it did seem like you were just stating general fact, instead of giving an example of seeing it for the first time.
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